ongratulations! You’ve finally made up your mind to create your blog. I also want to let you know that you’re just at the right place where your blog will be raised and groomed to become a great success.
Most people start blogging with the mind frame that it is one of the ways to make money online while working from home. I firmly discourage this
mind set. In my blogging career, there have been times when I lost all motivation. I lost every strength and passion I had for blogging. I asked myself what really I was thinking when I started this. At this point, it is only your passion to make impact and affect lives, while gaining happiness by doing just what you love doing, blogging, that’ll keep you  standing on your feet.
Welcome to BlogRaise! We’re optimistic that you’ll be glad you visited our site.
How do I create a new blog for free?
There are two free blogging platforms. They are Google blogger and WordPress. I’ll list some of their pros and cons so you’ll know which to set off with.
Google blogger
Some of the pros of Google blogger include
·         First and foremost, it is owned by Google which is a great search engine so it’s possible they’ll throw a few visits your way.
·         Blogger has nice template designs
·         For most people looking to monetize their blog using Google Ad Sense
, it is quite easier with blogger so long as you meet their requirements. I’ll talk about these requirements in a later post.
·         Blogger has share buttons that are compact and not too user friendly. This isn’t nice since you’ll want your visitors to easily share your great content.
·         The loading speed of a blogger blog, especially when you’ve added many widgets, is slow.
·         Your default domain name must include their subdomain for example, your domain name can only be “”. You can only have a custom domain name if you’ve purchased one.
WordPress Pros include
·         WordPress has very beautiful design templates made ready for your WordPress blog
·         Its share buttons are user- friendly and so you don’t have to worry about your content being shared.
·         I think it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to join the AdSense program using a free WordPress blog.
·         Like blogger, your default name must include their subdomain for example, you can only have “” unless you purchased a custom domain name.
·         WordPress shows you list of available domain names to choose from unless you choose to purchase your own custom domain.

When you’ve finally decided to use Google blogger or WordPress as your blogging platform, simply follow the steps below to create your new blog.

Easy steps to create a blogger blog

1.       Login to your Google account.
2.       Go to
The second Blogger interface for blog creation
3.       You’ll see an icon by the top left-hand-side that says “New blog”. Simply click on that icon and you’ll be asked to fill some boxes. This should take about two (2) minutes or less to be completed.
When you’ve gone through these, congratulations! You’ve created you own free blogger blog!

Steps to create a free WordPress blog

The first WordPress interface for blog creation
1.       Go to
2.       Click on “Get started
3.       You’ll be led through six(6) quick customizations from choosing your homepage’s look, the theme you want, the niche you’ll be blogging about also called “Keyword or domain”.
The second WordPress interface for blog creation
4.       You are then shown a list of available domain names to choose from.

Now that you have been equipped with this knowledge, get started on your blogging journey!
Did you face any challenges while raising your blog? Do you need more clarifications on certain issues related to creating your own blog? We’d love to help you. Simply comment in the comment box below. Join us by giving us your email in the "Follow by email" tab at the top of the sidebar and be the first to get our post updates.
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