How to get to Google's page #1

          Hello, it's been a long time of silence. I've been learning very great things about funnels and sales and so much that I'd be sharing with you, here.

 I’ve been working on blogs for 3-4 years now. In fact, my blogging enthusiasm started September, 2012 when I started searching Google for “how to make money online from home.” LOL. Guess this was how you might have started too. I tried very crazy SEO tricks with codes and other ways to improve. I also looked for social media tools for small businesses. Sadly, this would fade away with Google’s algorithm updates. Some people don't know why every blogger needs Google analytics  and Google's PageSpeed analytics.
How to get to Google's page #1

When we worry about our low rankings on Google, they don’t understand. They think we’re trying to make something up. They think we’re just trying to make them feel jealous of the fact that they neither own WordPress blogs nor websites. What they’re ignorant of, is that

ü Our website/blog depends on traffic.

ü Our product sales and services depend on traffic.

ü Our progress with becoming influencers in the niche we’ve chosen depend on traffic.

That was my story too. I’d run my blog on Google’s Pagespeed Analytics some years ago and saw those two miserably low, red coloured digits- 33/100 on mobile and maybe 64/100 on desktop. “But other sites make 100/100 both on mobile and desktop?” I’d ask myself. Little wonder Google ranks them #1 and blesses them with so much traffic their servers are about to crash.

That was not until recently, when a friend of mine taught me a great strategy he uses to make WordPress blogs and sites score better. OMG, it had been sitting in my face all day. What had I been thinking? I wondered how this strategy would be of benefit to me if he implemented it and I found it would

1.   Make my blog score higher on Google’s Pagespeed tool.

2.   Make my blog load faster. (Can’t figure how important this is?  When was the last time you waited for that slow loading webpage to finish? You simply left right. What if other visitors have been treating your site the same way? They really wanted to see your great content but it just won’t finish loading. And so they had to leave)

3.   Make visitors spend more time on my blog. (If you didn’t know, this increases ranking greatly because Google knows your visitors are busy on your site and so knows that you must have great content).

4.   Get better recognition as a blogger.

5.   Since, I have a higher score, it would increase my rankings as I ‘fight’ for page #1.

6.   Give me some of Google’s 100,000 traffic.

7.   Make more people see what product or service I offer.

8.   Make more money from Google AdSense and other Advertisers and be proud to say, “I’m a blogger”.

9.   Make me live that life I’ve been wanting to live.

And so, after everything I agreed and he taught me this strategy. Now, no jokes but this strategy is worth $1, 000 equivalent to N350, 000. However, because I don’t want you to miss this opportunity, I’m giving it away at really giveaway price. Guess what my price is… $0.
Yes, it's free.
I'm running a contest and if you win, it's for you... FREE OF ANY HIDDEN CHARGES.
P.S- if interested and own a WordPress blog or site, simply fill out this form below.
 Enter for the contest here 

Come, steal this offer away while it lasts. Imagine what you could make from Google AdSense with all that traffic?

Which would you prefer? To make the INVESTMENT or not?

       Spend N0 and keep complaining of your poor rankings and poor traffic.

 Spend $29 (N10, 000) once and making up to $30 and much more         monthly.


There’s little time left. Only 100 persons are needed for the contest.

Any questions. Quick. Contact me

BONUS- for Free

ü I’d be offering SEO insights to the first 30 people to register. (Worth- $100)

ü I’d also give you a strategy to increase your blog monetization- whether products or services.(worth- $997)


Yes, all these… for FREE to the first 100 people!


P.S: This is not one of those SEO tricks that becomes obsolete when Google updates its algorithm. No, this is a CLEAN, LASTING and LEGITIMATE strategy. It’s not an IMPROVEMENT OFFER, it’s a new OPPORTUNITY.

You’re going to thank me later…

Quick. Contact me and begin the awesome journey to Google’s Page #1. Make this investment today
                                  SIGN UP FOR FREE HERE



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